Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Hello Highlanders!

Welcome to the UCR Career Center Blog! Do you ever question what potential career choices you have, how to get there, or what to do? If so visit the Career Center! My name is Rubyd and I am one of the Peer advisors at the Career Center. If you haven’t visited our office before, this blog will serve to give you a taste of what our office does. Primarily we strive to help Highlanders succeed in their process of their career journey. This comes in the form of critiquing your resume, cover letter, mock interviews, and bringing different companies to campus. These are only a few of the insights you will learn about.
A little more about myself: I am third year Sociology major and currently working towards a minor in Public Policy. As a third year I have been able to pick up a few leadership roles across campus including presidency of PODER(Providing opportunities, dreams, education, in Riverside), UCR representative for the UC Undocumented Student Coalition, and member of the Undocumented Student Initiative Committee. To help balance these roles I also like to run and hike. My passion to help others is rooted in what I do and I strongly believe in fighting for justice as many have fought for me to have endless opportunities. Additionally, through my experience in these roles I have learned various leadership skills that have shaped who I am and my potential career. This is my second year as a peer advisor and through my time here I have had the opportunity to learn about what an employer looks for in a potential employee.
In this blog I hope to answer a few of the aching questions you may have and share insights with you from the student perspective! Put your tuition fees to use and visit us!

“Hard work puts you were the good luck can find you.”


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